英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-02-24 11:18:29

coffee table

英 [ˈkɔfi ˈteibl]

美 [ˈkɔfi ˈtebəl]


第三人称复数:coffee tables

  • 英英释义

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1. low table where magazines can be placed and coffee or cocktails are served

Synonym: cocktail table


1. 茶几:还是没跳出他们的手心!不过服务比10年前强多了,毕竟时过境迁,如今的竞争环境不一样了,暴利的时代过去了,他们那些基础设施--设备,海底电缆,电线杆子的投入也收回来了吧. 客厅,新买的两个皮沙发,灯,侧面的小桌和茶几(coffee table) 尚未到货.

2. 咖啡桌:B2B领航网提供供应咖啡桌(Coffee Table)的供应信息以及供应咖啡桌(Coffee Table)的生产销售厂家信息,我们还直接展示了该商家联系地址和产品信息简介,以方便买卖双方合作洽谈!

3. coffee table

3. 桌:它是一件结合了中国古典花瓶形态而制成的现代作品. 房中盒(House Box)此储物盒作品拥有不同的尺寸,它的灵感来自于中国古式木箱. 咖啡桌(Coffee Table)此装饰木桌的图形设计取材于中国古典窗花.

4. 茶几,咖啡桌:Cocktail table 鸡尾酒桌 | Coffee table 茶几,咖啡桌 | Combine-unit 组合柜

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

Nick drops another box full of paper onto the coffee table of his apartment.(Nick将另一个装满文件的盒子放在他公寓的咖啡桌上。)
To not spend the money where we don't see the benefit (no coffee table).(钱只花在有用的地方(把诸如买咖啡桌这样的钱省下来吧)。)
The coffee table was my grandma’s.(咖啡桌是我祖母的。)
She fell against our coffee table and got a large bump on her forehead.(她撞到了我们的咖啡桌跌倒了,前额起了一个大包。)
She wondered if she might stack her books and turn them into legs for a coffee table.(她很好奇自己可能把书籍堆起来垫她的咖啡桌。)
Not sure I'd want to put my mug on the cheese-baited mouse-eating coffee table though.(不过我可拿不准自己会不会把杯子伸向用奶酪诱捕并吞食老鼠的咖啡桌。)
The coffee table is glass, to be as unobtrusive as possible.(咖啡茶几是玻璃制的,尽可能地不引人注目。)
Release round up, and take over a cup, put the tea, pour boiling water, and then on the coffee table.(释圆起身,又取过一个杯子,放茶叶,倒沸水,再放在茶几上。)
She put the bottle on the coffee table beside him, banging it down hard. He started at the sound, his concentration broken.(她把那个瓶子砰地一声放在他身边的咖啡桌上,他被这声音吓了一跳,注意力被打断了。)
This coffee table sucks.(这张咖啡台太差劲了。)
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